Almost Everything is possible !! from a simple look to one with all bells and whistles. !!
This skin is so configurable that most (if not all) the features the other skins offer can be achieved.
Important notes:
1. I am no M*cros*ft or A**le so do not have an unlimited amount of resources to make this app "industry strength". There is just one developer!! As a result you may find some bugs.
If this is the case, please do not leave negative feedback but contact me instead by email with some screenshots. I will then try and correct it.
2. It has been found that the app will not install on Huawei devices with Android v7. Later versions are fine.
It has many configurable elements:
Over 100 colours to chose from
Toggle Waveseek, show the default, static waveseek or divided waveseek bar
Hide/show the seekbar
Hide/show waveseek
Toggle the Spectrum show the sound Spectrum at the bottom of the sceen
Configurable Album art animation when swiping left/right
switch off album blur background so that the selected background colour shows
round or square albumart, you define the corners
select circle or square shape around labels
select the colour of text to be used
Set different fonts for app, track title and album/artist
size the text from small to large
set the colour of icons
set colour of circles/squares
set the colour of the navigation bar icons
set background colour of android navbar and statusbar, including transparent
select the background colour of the navigation bar
select the colour of the circles or squares around buttons
select the overall background colour
a choice of several different background patterns
a choice of sets of several different play buttons
a choice of different types of knobs and buttons used in the equaliser screens